Thursday 30 November 2017

Star Wars Battlefronts 2

Have a look at some of the campaign mode on Star Wars Battlefronts 2 on Xbox One X.

For the tech geeks, I changed the video settings so that all the options were on, so there should be things like cinematic lens distortion etc - I presume if you know what you're looking for, you'll notice it!

The game looks fantastic - the first one looked great on Xbox One, but this takes it to another level. Looking forward to seeing what else the campaign has to offer!

Please do like, subscribe and share the video - each one's appreciated.

Update (contains spoilers)

Have played further into the campaign now, and I have to say that it's brilliant if you're a Star Wars fan - even at 40, there's something cool about getting to fly the Millennium Falcon or 'be' Han Solo. The story unfolds nicely with an unexpected twist, and the use of locations is a great way to showcase the outstanding graphics and bring the Star Wars universe to life.

Some complaints - a couple of the blasters are rank - Leia's blaster is brutal and took away some enjoyment from the Naboo level, and I find the card system utterly redundant. I haven't felt a great need to engage with the special abilities and so it seems like an unnecessary addition to the game. I thought the same about Battlefronts 1, so I'm guessing the inclusion in the sequel means that someone found them useful.

Still to venture on to the multiplayer, I'm hoping it has more longevity than the first Battlefronts, which got old very quickly.

I'll update this review as I play more. In the meantime, here's the Bespin level of the campaign, there is some bad language.

Update 15th December

I finished the campaign and really enjoyed it, it was easy to dip in and out of and my only real criticism is that it could have done with being longer.

The value of the game now comes down to what there is to get me coming back for more. I reckon I played about seven hours on the campaign, which isn't much for the £50 pounds that the game cost. The multiplayer has been nothing more than a frustrating experience so far.

Perhaps it's just my general lack of skill or it might be that I'm just being matched against better, more experienced players, but I'm getting hardly any time at all (sometimes just seconds) in the online multiplayer games before being killed - usually at the hands of some unseen enemy.

It's so frustrating and not at all fun, there is no time to build momentum or get into a battle before I'm back at the landing page having to pick out a class of soldier to make my next attempt.

The character selection is ok, a bit of something for everyone, but you're offered cards that will boost your skills or weapons, but without unlocking them, they choice is limited and as a casual gamer I generally can't be arsed mucking about with cards - I just want to get into the game.

So far (as you can see from the video) I've found the online multiplayer to be a less than enjoyable experience. I just got annoyed getting killed all the time, and there were a number of occasions where I could shoot an opponent several times only to be killed by a couple of shots back.

I'll persevere and try and improve to see if it becomes more fun, but if there's no improvement I can see this game getting traded in for something that's going to get played more.

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